Previous Years EESCC Publications
Monthly Newsletters - Club Information
Date | Document (Click to read) | Author (Click to send Email) | Comments |
November 12, 2008 | November 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Article "A Time To Be Thankful" by Jerry Braunberger, 2008 IROC Results, Pinewood Derby Results, and the Texas Hold'em Flyer |
September 29, 2008 | September 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Article: "Just Ducky Racing's Trip to the Heartland (Park)" by Jim Mueller, Pinewood Derby Rules, 2008 Trophy Winners, Events 7 & 8 Results, Top 10 at Events 7 & 8, and the Banquet Flyer |
August 19, 2008 | August 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Article: "Larison Rock 2008, A View From The Dark Side" by David Lumbra, Packwood 2008, Lost and Found, Events 5 & 6 Results, Top Ten Drivers, and Events 7 & Flyer, and Banquet Pinewood Derby Rules |
July 22, 2008 | July 2008 | Jim Mueller | Lots of info ... HillClimb Results, Lost and Found, PLUS much more. *** Support our SPONSORS *** |
June 05, 2008 | June 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, We Need Your Help With Larison, Fire Suppression Training, Article: "Hallucinations and Hillclimbs" by Aaron Shelton, We Need Your Articles, Lost and Found, Events 3 & 4 Results, Larison Rock HillClimb Flyer and Registration For |
May 01, 2008 | May 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Upcoming Election, Autocrossers a Hardy Bunch, Lost and Found, Raffle Winners, Article: "Time for Racing", by Robert Steck, Events 1 & 2 Results, and Events 3 and 4 Flyer |
March 19, 2008 | March 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: "IceBreaker 42 a Huge Success" by Jim Mueller, Article: "Our First Real Race Car" by Rose Reinertson, 2008 Schedule, IceBreaker Results, IceBreaker Top Ten Drivers, and Events 1 & 2 Flyers |
February 12, 2008 | February 2008 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, IceBreaker and Test and Tune Flyers, Articles: "The Long Winter" by Brad Moffett, and "Go-Kart Day" by Kevin Cruz, 2008 Schedule |