Previous Years EESCC Publications
Monthly Newsletters - Club Information
Date | Document (Click to read) | Author (Click to send Email) | Comments |
December 19, 2018 | December 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: 2019 Officers of EESCC, Upcoming Events, Article: "It's All Downhill From Here" by Keith Olsen,2019 Autocross Entry Fee Article, Poker Party Flyer, and 2019 EESCC Fee Schedule |
November 21, 2018 | November 21, 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: 2019 Officers of EESCC, Upcoming EESCC Events, Article: "2018 Year-End Awards Banquet Highlights Plu"s by Bren Wamsley, 2018 IROC Results, 2018 Troph Winners |
October 10, 2018 | October 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: |
September 09, 2018 | September 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: "Racing for Knowledge, AKA Fun" by Ryan Rink, OR 1000 TSD Rally Flyer, 2018 Trophy Winners, Events 7 & 8 Results, Top Ten Drivers, Awards Banquet Registration Online |
August 16, 2018 | August 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Articles: "Story of Dabeest" by Jim Foster and "year End Autocrosses and IROC by Jim Mueller, 2018 Awards Banquet, 2018 IROC Contenders, Results Events 5 and 6 and Top Ten Drivers, Flyer Events 7 and 8 |
July 25, 2018 | July 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, 2018 Year End Awards Banquet, Article: "Larison Rock 2018" by Alan Bowers, Event 5 and 6 Flyer, Event 7 and 8 Flyer and Larison Rock Results, Under 2 Member, and Class Records |
June 14, 2018 | June 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Articles: "Racing My Dream Track" by Keith Olsen and "Revival Rally" by Simon Levear, Flyer Events 5 & 6, Results Events 3 & 4, Results TSD Rally, and Larison Rock Flyer |
April 25, 2018 | April 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: "Shall We Continue?" by Mike Glass, Roseburg Fairgrounds Event, TSD Rally Flyer, Events 3 & 4 Flyer, Larison Rock Flyer, and t-Shirts for Sale |
March 19, 2018 | March 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Articles: "Automotive Funnies and Trivia" by Hope Mueller and "IceBreaker 52 Was a Classic", by Jim Mueller, Flyer TSD Rally, Flyer Events 3 and 4, Results: Events 1 and 2, PAXED, Raw, Top Ten Drivers, and course maps |
February 13, 2018 | February 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: "My Year in Review" by Russ Walters, Icebreaker and Event 2 Flyer and Notice, Classing Changes for 2018, Timing School, Scavenger Hunt Results, Online Event Registration is Open |
January 09, 2018 | January 2018 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, 2018 EESCC Officers, Article: "Rambling of an OLD Member" by Bonnie Mueller, Poker Party at the Mueller's, Corner Weighing Party and BBQ at Bert Jacobson's, Timing School, Flyer Poker Party, and Flyer Scavenger Hunt |