Previous Years EESCC Publications
Monthly Newsletters - Club Information
Date | Document (Click to read) | Author (Click to send Email) | Comments |
November 20, 2013 | November 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Articles: "Driving Blind by Rae Heselbach, "2013 Awards Banquet Highlights" by Bren Wamsley, |
October 03, 2013 | October 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Articles: "1st Annual Blind Autocross" by Tim Steck and "Wet and Wild Weekend" by Bonnie Mueller, "2013 Awards Banquet", by Bren Wamsley, 1st Annual Blind Autocross Flyer and Registration, Banquet Information and Registration, |
August 21, 2013 | August 2013 | Jim Mueller | |
July 24, 2013 | July 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming Events, Article: "Autocross Dreams" by Alician Andrews, Larison Rock Results, Larison Class Records, Larison Sub Two Minute Club Members, and Events 5 and 6 Flyer |
June 11, 2013 | June 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming events, Article: "Get Em Hooked While Their Young" by Hope Mueller, Events 5 and 6 Flyer, Results Events 3 and 4, Results Events 3 and 4 PAXED, Events 3 and 4 Top Ten Drivers, Events 3 and 4 course maps, and EESCC Classifieds |
May 10, 2013 | May 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming events, Articles: " by Gen Owens and "Dirty Bert CP#13 2.0" by Bert Jacobson, Events 3 and 4 Flyer, Results Events 1 and 2, Results Events 1 and 2 PAXED, Events 1 and 2 Top Ten Drivers, and EESCC Classifieds |
March 26, 2013 | March 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming events, Article: "Workin' in a Data Mine" (whew about to slip down) by Bill Randleman, IceBreaker results, IceBreaker Top 10 Drivers, Events 1 and 2 Flyer, Blind Autocross Flyer, and Classifieds |
February 07, 2013 | February 2013 | Jim Mueller | Includes: Upcoming events, Articles: "Racing Resolutions" by Rae Heselbach and "The Beginning" by Bert Jacobson, and the Scavenger Hunt, Wine Tour, and IceBreaker Flyer |